Sunday, August 1, 2010

My dogs toe nail has come off and is bleeding whatcan stop the bleeding?

His toe nail was just hanging on so we pulled it off and he didn't seem that fussed about it now we have rinsed his foot in warm salty water and bandaged it up and a sock over it but it keeps seeping through what can we do to stop the bleeding ??

Please help !

Thank youMy dogs toe nail has come off and is bleeding whatcan stop the bleeding?
Mix water and flour together into a pasty/dough sort of thing and place it on the wound and apply pressure - it will form a clot until you get to the vet. Theyll know what to do.My dogs toe nail has come off and is bleeding whatcan stop the bleeding?
Corn flour. Vets and dog people always tell you that if you cut a dogs toe nail to short ( i know you didnt cut it) but they say to put corn flour on it. I dont know why or what it does, im thinking it stops the bleeding but if they recommend it than i would try it..
apply a lot of pressure if that doesnt stop it taking the dog to the vet is your best bet they have some powder that they will put on it and will stop the bleeding pretty quick
I think you should take him to the vet.Right away.
dip it in corn starch or alum he ll be fine
whoa. if its that bad take him to a local vet now.

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