Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I bruised my big toe nail when a can fell on it its bruised light blue how long will it take to heal?

toe has a light blue bruise.

it has been hurting for 2 days since it happened.

its throbbing, hurts to move it.

a soup can fell of a shelf onto it.

do you think its broken?

will my toe nail fall off?I bruised my big toe nail when a can fell on it its bruised light blue how long will it take to heal?
well i have had that happend only 2 my fingernail. i dropped a rock on it and it turned blue and black. it took my nail about 3weeks to come of completly(after about 2 weeks it wuz half off) and from the way it sounds i dont think your toe is broken and i think you will loose your nail. but dont freak. Im only 12 and my finger nail came off about a month ago and it has almost grown all the way back. once you lose your toe nail i promise you it wont hurt, in fact it will feel a lot better. you just have to keep it covered so it wont get infected.I bruised my big toe nail when a can fell on it its bruised light blue how long will it take to heal?
well my oldest brother had a motorcycle Crash with a deer at 50mph and got some broken bones and a broken big toe and his toe nail did not fall off but was black for a long time so yours will not fall off and feel your toe to see if anything feels broken if it feels like its fine then it just needs time to heal up
possibly ur toe nail night fall off but to prevent this you should put ice on it twice every hour and show it to a doctor.
  • applying make up
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