Saturday, August 21, 2010

I dont know whats wrong with my toe nail?

the side of my toe nail is really swollen and ugly.. i dont know what to do to make it better and make it hurts a lot when ever i like barely touch....what should i do..PLZ HELP!I dont know whats wrong with my toe nail?
Hello, It sounds like you have an ingrown toenail. You need to visit a Dr. Scholl's clinic or a doctor who can soak your foot and cut the nail properly taking the piece of nail out that is acting like a splinter. If, for example, the sore side is on the right, after soaking your foot for a half hour in warm, soapy water, you cut with cuticle scissors under and down to the right at an angle to the right...and just lift it out...Then dissenfect the wound. Pat the area dry and apply antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.I dont know whats wrong with my toe nail?
Its infected, its got oozy stuff under the skin. Put a hot wash cloth on it for a while, and if you see a head on it pop it so the gunk can come out

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