I am going to a wedding and wearing a bubble gum pink tank and black pants. I don't want to clash my pink, so would black be too much on my toes or would it look good.Black toe nail polish, good or bad?
Well, i would go for if you really want to wear it or you can't mach the pink on your tank top but personally, i would say just get a french pedicure. Those always look hot and are pretty cheap to get done professionally. THere are also do it yourself kits that cost like 5 bucks!Black toe nail polish, good or bad?
I don't think it would have a negative effect on the look of your outfit. But neither do I think that it will do alot for you either.
So it depends on what you are wanting.
If it were me I'd go with the black. I'd rather have them look more at my top half than the bottom.
Black polish on your nails, yes! On your toes? No. Try white french tips or just a softer color.
not if you're wearing black pants too. try bright orange nail polish instead (but then you might look to fruity, lol.)
i think it would be too much.
it would clash.
I think black would be really cool. Plus its totally in right now. =)
I think white would look beter : )
i think it will clash. try... yellow, orange or white
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