Sunday, August 1, 2010

How do you heal an ingrown toe nail?

Most of the cases of ingrown nails have to be treated surgically. The nail tends to grow in progressively and cause potential infection and collection of pus. The problem is often recurrent. My advice is to have it taken care of by a doctor.

If you do insist on trying to take care of it yourself, it might get nasty, so be prepared: you should first wash the whole foot thoroughly with water and soap and disinfectant. Then, carefully remove the skin covering it, cut the nail deep towards the nail root, removing the segment that has been pressing against the skin (cutting out a wedge shaped segment). Clean it with an antibiotic soap and a disinfectant. If you don't have those, bye some 70%alcohol to clean the place.

If pus comes out, you need to press on it until it's all emptied (pus tends to fill the space between the nail and skin), make sure some blood comes out also (it helps clean the place), then clean it and disinfect it, or dip it in hot hypersalinated water.How do you heal an ingrown toe nail?
oral antibiotics, have it removed,

prevention is done by proper triming if you round the edges too much they will ingrow.How do you heal an ingrown toe nail?
A really simple and often overlooked solution - cut a wide(ish) V shape into the center of the nail along the top and then bathe your toe in diluted dettol or other such antibacterial liquid for about 2 or 3 mins. This will A) disinfect any are around the ingrown nail and B) the V shape will encourage the nail to grow inward to fill the V, drawing the ingrown part of the nail out. Give it about a week, bathing the toe every day to stop infection, and your nail will have grown back out again.
go to the doctors, they will have to remove it.
Don't cut it, it will make it worse. Is it on your big Toe? You should try gettig some VERY small pieces off cotton than take like an orange stik (that is used for mani/pedi) tuck the cotton UNDER the nail so it is raised out of the area that it is cutting into your skin tuck as much as you can (and not scream). This way you are starting the healing process where your nail made the initial cut while it was growing into the skin.


I could not leave my toe alone so I cut it and the the nail got MUCH more painful and grew in deeper. It then abcessed. I had to go and have them numb my entire foot area. They then had to make a deep cut to get the infected abcess fluid (please don't hurl) out of the big toe area and it really swelled up.


Okay now promise me you won't cut it. What normally happens is the Dr. will numb your foot it won't hurt. Usually your ingrown toe hurts so bad already you don't even notice the shot. They then will cut a vertical piece of the nail out. They then put a liquid on the nail bed called fenal. The fenal kills (no pain involved) that part of the nail bed so that part of the nail wont' grow back. YOU BIG TOE NAIL WILL NOT LOOK WIERD WHEN IT HEALS YOU CAN'T TELL ANYTHING WAS DONE.

I hope this helps you. You may get some better responses. That's the beauty of Yahoo!
you can keep cutting it short until its sorted or if you want a quicker solution you can go to the hospital and have it removed.
go to the hopital and get it cut and removed from your skin.
you cut it
See a podiatrist %26amp; it will be cut out. They will numb the toe %26amp; it will not hurt then.... It will however be painful after. Soaking really helps a lot. Have had both big toes done %26amp; it made a world of difference. No more pain %26amp; can wear heels again!

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