Sunday, August 1, 2010

Does ur toe nail grow from the top or bottom?

its not my fault i was just kinda all girls are!Does ur toe nail grow from the top or bottom?
As with fingernails, toe nails grow from underneath the cuticle below the skin. So, they grow from the bottom towards the top.Does ur toe nail grow from the top or bottom?
You mean from the base or root of your nail - it grows along the nail bed from the root toward the edge or tip of finger.

Nail beds could be considered a bottom and the exposed part that you put nail polish on could be considered the top. Just another way of thinking about it.
from the bottom. since its dead matter that's why you can cut the top without pain once it leaves the nail bed.
i think the bottom. like under your skin pushes the new nail up and then u get the tip of your nails that u have to cut off.

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